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Operational Guides

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Runway Surface Condition NOTAM

Visit our Runway Surface Condition (RSC) NOTAM page to learn more about runway surface condition reporting.

Local Area Weather Manuals

Initially developed for our flight service specialists, these manuals offer pilots detailed regional information, including local weather effects, specific geographical formations and terrain, and unpublished approaches.

The Weather of British Columbia

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The Weather of the Canadian Prairies

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The Weather of Ontario and Québec

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The Weather of Atlantic Canada and Eastern Québec

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The Weather of the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Western Nunavut

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The Weather of Nunavut and the Arctic

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Communicating safely and effectively

With safety as the number one priority in aviation, consistent phraseology helps reduce error and misinterpretation.

Our phraseology guides are easy to use and feature examples of best practices and standardized communications for various scenarios.

Developed in collaboration with stakeholders, each of our guides serves as a learning tool and reference supporting standardized communications with air traffic services.

Fundamentals of PBN STAR videos

For pilots and air traffic services personnel, these videos explain PBN STAR procedures and processes. They address common aspects of flight operations when using a STAR to help improve awareness of operations on both sides of the microphone.

FMS Coded Restrictions

Understand the potential workload impact for pilots if they are vectored off of a STAR.

Sequencing in relation to descent

Learn what information ATC can provide flight crews to facilitate meeting descent requirements when radar vectors and speed assignments affect system-calculated descent profiles.

Absorbing delay in descent

Understand the relative efficiency differences when sequencing descending aircraft using vectors or speed control.

FMS Airborne Flight Plans

Observe the steps required to enter, verify and amend a full route clearance in a modern FMS.

Ad-Hoc Waypoints

Understand the importance of clear communication when re-routing an aircraft via waypoints not currently on their route of flight.

Referencing Waypoints

Understand the best waypoints to reference when using tactical restrictions to RNAV/PBN equipped aircraft.

Runway Changes

Understand the steps necessary for the flight crew to change runways and/or approaches. Observe the complexity associated with late runway changes.

Overflights and Arrival Conflicts

When an arrival and an overflight conflict, understand the relative efficiency of solving the conflict by vectoring the overflight rather than the vectoring the arrival.

Impact of “Direct to”

Understand the impact to a controller’s plan and the aircraft’s descent profile when a flight crew is provided with a vectored short-cut off a constant descent PBN STAR.

Changing STARs

Understand the importance of using correct phraseology when communicating changes to STAR routings.

NAV versus FLC Mode

Observe the different results on aircraft performance using VNAV versus FLC mode.

NAV CANADA thanks WestJet and Air Canada who contributed significantly to the development of these videos.