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Corporate Social Responsibility

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Supporting Industry

Providing a safe and efficient service

Our primary role in Canada’s aviation ecosystem is an important one — ensuring the safety of aircraft large and small in Canadian controlled airspace.​​

But we strive for more, seeking to improve efficiency for our partners at airlines and airports, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing the operational impacts of aviation on our communities.

We do this by introducing innovative technologies and procedures across the country that lead to safer and more predictable services, better information sharing and improved airspace management. Implementing initiatives like performance-based navigation or space-based ADS-B is having a significant impact on improved flight profiles and reduced fuel burn. More details on our industry and environmental initiatives can be found in our Corporate Social Responsibility Reports.

Guiding our own environmental management is our Environmental Policy and our ISO world standard registration for environmental performance.

Our Environmental Policy confirms our commitment to comply with all relevant environmental laws, regulations, by-laws, guidelines and standards, and achieve levels of environmental protection and performance beyond that required by law whenever reasonably achievable. Cornerstones of this policy start with taking a leadership role in air navigation system (ANS) environmental matters and include risk assessment, prevention programs, performance monitoring, and training of employees and suppliers.  

The Company is also registered to ISO14001:2015Open a new window, the world standard for environmental performance for environmental risk management and providing strategic environmental direction associated with the management of the ANS. NAV CANADA was one of the first air navigation service providers to achieve this milestone.

Latest CSR highlights
NAV CANADA’s fighting against forced and child labour report
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2020 CSR highlights
2019 CSR highlights
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2018 CSR highlights
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2017 CSR highlights
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United Nations Global Compact